The Light at the End of the Tunnel

4 min readDec 29, 2021

Hey everyone! It’s been way too long since I’ve written one of these.

How’s it been going? Hope y’all are doing well! Happy Holidays to everyone and Happy New Years as well ❤

I wanted to give an update as to where I am in life, what’s going on behind the scenes, and what to look forward to in the future. As well, I wanted to give a recap of the year and to look at how things are going to go from now on.

Year in Review

Something happened earlier this year that I failed to mention, and that was DuckingWhimsical listing my 1/1 pieces for 2+ ETH each. That really took me by surprise. Thank you so much for that, you gave me such a confidence boost 😭 💙

This is a big reason that I want to keep improving myself. To not let anyone down that has believed in me, and that still believes in me. You are the people that have kick started my art career and you will be the people I take care of when I can. 💪

I made some record breaking sales, and some amazing art. Going from not knowing how to draw at all, to drawing at an above average level to even improving way beyond that! To top it off, I’ve made some amazing friends and met some wonderful people this year. Shout outs to all of you. You know who you are. It would take me way too long to list all of you here, but I love you all regardless as much as I can 💙!

Current Life

Moving out of my parents’ place was the best thing I’ve done in years. I went into a new environment, but with familiar people. People I knew cared about me as much as I did them. I was able to focus on exactly what I wanted to focus on, such as my art. No distractions and no stress. It’s been the happiest I’ve been in a very long time. Lots of laughs, lots of love, lots of time… These memories are something I’ll cherish for as long as I live.

That said, learning how to draw has been extremely fun. It’s taken so much time and patience, but it’s worth it. I absolutely cannot wait until I can finally create a full piece and show it to the world!

The best head I’ve drawn recently

Look at that head! I still can’t believe I drew that! Lots of things to improve still, but man seeing this as compared to what I drew weeks prior is jaw dropping.

Previous drawings

I wanted to give a massive, massive “Thank you” to everyone that has supported me, not only this year, but since the beginning as well! Just to name a few: DuckingWhimsical, Bit_ter, Whaleshark, Alisa Khieu, Richard Kim, Dan Panil, Nifty_Whale, Nook, Evil, RHLPixels, the entirety of the pixel art community, and so on. All of y’all have given me a foundation to stand on, and if it weren’t for y’all, I wouldn’t be pushing myself as hard. I’ve drawn every single day at least 30 minutes a day to keep myself in check and to exercise my knowledge of drawing as well as to test myself. Seeing the improvements has been jaw dropping. Not only can I now draw some things without reference, but I can now picture things into the shapes they are composed of. The world is so different now just seeing it in this new light! I can’t play video games the same way anymore, nor can I go outside and look at a tree without thinking “Wow, this is just a cylinder with a circle on top!” 😂

Thank you all for those that stuck with me for so long in this lull while I’m working on improving my art. I wouldn’t give any of you up for anything.

To the New Year and new art! Along with new friends and new adventures!!

As always, thank you all for reading and I’ll see you when I see you.




Just a hopeless romantic making pixel art and poetry for people to enjoy.