The Next Chapter

3 min readMar 28, 2021

Hi everyone! I haven’t made a personal one of these in a bit, and I felt today was the perfect time to do so.

I wanted to talk about the next chapter in my life and what’s happening.

Recently, I bet you all heard about the flash freeze that happened to Texas in February, well that caused a huge snowball to roll across all the plans I’d made. I was to move out of my parents’ place, live with a good friend of mine in Massachusetts and work a side job while making art.

Those plans went completely out of the window. My moving out fund is still safe and sound, nothing touched but I’m still thinking about where exactly I should go. As well, the recent vaccination news has caused me to think about just waiting a bit longer in order to be safer. No COVID for me, thanks.

With that said, I also wanted to talk about my work. Today was an interesting day. I got really mad at myself after watching a YouTube video about procrastination. Something in my head clicked and I went on a massive rage-induced storm across the house… and made my bed, washed the dishes and cleaned up my room. I also took a cold shower and did some art research.

Let me explain:

These past few weeks have not been the best. I had ruined a lot of my workflow schedule after putting hours into researching 3D work. And thus, a lot of bad habits came back to me; I got lazy, started eating unhealthy again, started eating too much again… lack of exercise etc…

One of the things in that video that really got to me was “How you do anything is how you do everything” and that really struck a nerve. I am tired of being lazy, half-assing things and tired of being a procrastinator. A lot of my self-doubts, my fears, my carelessness comes from years of not doing anything about it and letting it fester.

No more.

Absolutely no more of that.

I’m making this promise to myself to work harder on anything I do. To work better and to learn more.

I know I’ve been bad at making too many promises, but I do keep them in mind. I don’t make them to make them, I can assure you.

The last thing before I go: I’ve been making the effort to talk to more people recently. I wanted to share this with you all because this is NOT easy for someone like me. I like hiding in my little turtle shell and peeking out when it’s safe to do so. It takes a ton of energy out of me, but I think out of the few people I’ve spoken to I’ve made a real connection somewhere. Even if it’s nothing too crazy, I think I like the people I’ve gotten a chance to speak to.

This is really and truly a new me. Never would I have thought about reaching out to others just to talk about them and their work. Mostly because I thought admiring silently was “better” and “safer” you know? Putting yourself out there, without your heart on your sleeve, shouldn’t be as hard as it can be for myself and others like myself. But I know now what I should and what I shouldn’t be doing.

It’s been super interesting to hear the different stories of each artist, their work and how long they’d been working. I’ve been completely inspired by all of these artists who have worked so long on their work. And to see their dreams become a reality through NFTs, as well as the support of the community has really touched me deeply.

And that’s all I have here for today.

Thank you for reading, as always.

I’ll see you when I see you




Just a hopeless romantic making pixel art and poetry for people to enjoy.